Interactions and Outcomes
Interactions and Outcomes
The processed used by prospective participants to enter positions of authority in the Telcoin Platform Governance System
Developer Authorizations
All GSMA Members must follow a specific authorization process to become an Application Developer.
Staker Authorizations
To become a staker, individuals must register on a Telcoin Application, connect to the network using a referral link, and stake TEL to participate.
Liquidity Miner Authorizations
All individuals must follow the same process in order to participate in the position of liquidity miner.
Validator Authorizations
To participate as a Validator on the Telcoin Network, mobile network operator GSMA members must follow a specific authorization process. This process involves submitting a Validator authorizations form on the Telcoin forum, proposing the prospective Validator ...
Council Member Authorizations
Newly selected Council Members must follow the Authorization Process to maintain their position of authority, including providing proof of being a miner and undergoing KYC/AML as determined by the Compliance Council. Failure to do so within 60 days will result...