Telcoin Platform
Telcoin Platform
Telcoin Platform: Infrastructure
The systems involved in the generation of platform benefits, including three blockchain infrastructure networks (Telcoin Network, TELx, and TAN) along with the TEL Treasury, its storage and distribution facilities, and the Telcoin Platform governance system infrastructure.
Telcoin Blockchain Networks: Infrastructure
The Telcoin Platform is the combined structure of three blockchain infrastructure networks, including:
Telcoin Application Network (TAN): Mobile application layer
TELx: Decentralized financial marketplace layer
Telcoin Network Infrastructure: Blockchain layer
TEL Treasury: Storage and Distribution Facilities
The Telcoin Platform generates flows of TEL from a primary source that miners harvest across areas of the system according to rules that are set by Miner Councils.
Governance Infrastructure
Blockchain Networks: Infrastructure
The Telcoin Platform is a nested structure of three blockchain infrastructure networks, Telcoin Network, TELx, and TAN, which combined generate mobile-based, decentralized financial products and other blockchain services.
TEL Treasury: Storage and Distribution Facilities
The TEL Treasury is the primary, renewable source of TEL issuance and includes a set of systems that store and generate flows of TEL throughout the Telcoin Platform according to rules that are set by the Platform and Treasury Council.
Governance Infrastructure
Miners interact with a variety of infrastructural systems to participate in Telcoin Platform governance and management decisions.