
Application Developers: Attributes

The attributes and characteristics of Application Developers, GSMA members, such as Mobile Network Operators and other adjacent businesses in the telecommunications industry, who specialize in developing mobile applications on Telcoin Application Network (TAN), the application layer of the Telcoin Platform.

Application Developers (Developers) are GSMA Members who stake TEL, produce mobile applications on the Telcoin Platform, earn transaction fees, and harvest TEL issuance from the Telcoin Application Network (TAN) pro-rata, based on their user base’s adoption of the Platform and the quantity of TEL they have staked.

Developers are one of four Miner Groups that share equal authority in Telcoin governance. Their political power within their Miner Group is based on their pro-rata share of TEL staked on TAN versus other Developers.

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Application Developers: Number of Actors

There is currently 1 Developer producing mobile applications on Telcoin Application Network out of a total of approximately 1,200 GSMA Members who are eligible to participate.

Application Developers: Socioeconomic Attributes

Developers are GSMA Members, including mobile network operators and other firms in the Telecom sector or adjacent industries. They have a global reach and infrastructure and specialize in mobile application development on the Telcoin Platform.

Application Developers: Technology Used

Developers use TEL to consume platform services, stake TEL as an input to harvest TEL rewards and as political power to propose and vote in governance. They participate from a crypto wallet address, and both develop and operate mobile application systems.

Application Developers: History of Use

The first Telcoin mobile application was launched by Telcoin Holdings pte ltd in early 2019, followed by V2 in early 2021, and V3 in late 2021.

Application Developers: Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Telcoin pte ltd developed the initial Telcoin platform architecture, governance system, TEL token, and the first Telcoin mobile application. As a result of TGIP1, Telcoin Holdings relinquishes power and control to the community and will participate as one indi...

Application Developers: Social Capital

GSMA, customer networks, partnership networks, regulatory relationships, employee networks, online and social media communities, financial networks, other developers, other miner groups all serve as social capital for Developers.