Governance System

Compliance Council Nominations Application

The application and process by which miners nominate themselves to be elected to the Compliance Council.


In order to be submitted in elections and liquid delegations proposals for a position on the Compliance Council, eligible miners must submit the below candidate information and nomination application at least 24 hours prior to an election at most within the past 6 months prior to a liquid delegation or election proposal.

Compliance Council Members: Voters, Number of Positions, Attributes, Specialization and Special Duties

Each miner group selects one representative, and representatives are assigned special duties based on the specialization of their constituency and/or the function of the Council. Miner Groups can alter the following special duties(but not the required attributes)of their representatives at any time using the TRIP process, and there are no rules for enforcing these guidelines beyond delegations and elections.

VoterRepsRequired AttributesSpecializationSpecial Duties
Stakers1Must be a JD with conflict resolution experienceConflict ResolutionResponsible for designing, proposing, and administering low-cost conflict resolution mechanisms between actors on the Platform.
Developers1Must be a JD with compliance experienceComplianceResponsible for analyzing proposals based on compliance with laws and the articles and principles outlined in the Telcoin Association Constitution, and for designing, proposing, and implementing a Telcoin Association compliance regime.
Liquidity Miners1Must be a JD with corporate legal experienceLegal & OrganizationalResponsible for developing legal structures in order to protect and ensure participants have recognition of rights to organize, limited liability protections, and the ability to pay taxes within existing legal frameworks.
Validators1Must be a JDAuthorizationsResponsible for coordinating with the Telcoin Foundation, prospective miners, producers, and Council Members to facilitate the authorization process for new participants to take positions on the Platform.
  • Candidate Information:
    • Preferred Name and Country: Preferred name and location
    • Wallet Address: Wallet address to be used in Council member voting
    • Social Media: Telcoin Discord username, Twitter account, LinkedIn account
    • Miner Group: Select either Staker, Developer, Liquidity Miner, Validator Delegates
    • Specialization: Select from one or more of the following specializations:
      • Conflict Resolution
      • Compliance
      • Legal & Organizational
      • Authorizations
  • Council Nomination Application: Provide responses to the following questions:
    • Introduction
      • How did you find out about Telcoin and why are you excited about being a part of the Telcoin community?
      • What experience do you have in interacting with the Telcoin Platform as a user, miner, and/or overall ecosystem participant?
    • Why should you be selected?
      • Why are you running for this position?
      • What unique skills, experiences and credentials do you bring to the role that will assist you in fulfilling your regular and special duties?
      • What changes and improvements do you plan to propose?
      • How will you represent your miner group in decision-making processes to ensure their interests are being voiced and protected?
      • How will you keep your constituency informed?
      • How much time can you dedicate to the role each week?