Governance System

Platform-wide Maintenance and Construction Rules

The Platform and Treasury Councils possess shared authority over Platform-wide construction and maintenance rules and are responsible for planning and financing those improvements. The TAO is responsible for maintaining Platform-wide systems.

Telcoin Platform: Provisioning Rules

The Platform and Treasury Councils, using the TELIP process, possess authority over Platform-wide construction and maintenance rules, including the rules that define who is responsible for constructing new systems and maintaining the TEL Treasury and associated systems, the TEL token contract, the Telcoin Platform governance infrastructure.

They are responsible for planning, financing, and coordinating the TAO(and other third parties they choose), to perform platform-wide construction and maintenance and must ensure those improvements are implemented and documented.

The Platform and Treasury Councils, using the TELIP process, possess shared authority over Platform-wide maintenance and construction rules, including the rules that structure who is responsible for maintaining the TEL Treasury and associated systems, the TEL Token, governance infrastructure, and for constructing new platform systems. They are required to plan, finance, and coordinate the implementation of these improvements with the TAO and other service providers.

Platform-wide Maintenance and Construction Rules

Until the Platform and Treasury Councils alter the arrangement using the TELIP process, the TAO will maintain existing components on the Platform and TEL treasury. Any new construction will need to be financed and coordinated by system-wide governance using the TELIP process.