Interactions and Outcomes

Liquid Delegations

Liquid Delegations are special election ceremonies which Miner Groups may use to replace their existing Council Member(s) at any time outside of a regular election window.

Liquid Delegations: Overview

Miner Groups may use the liquid delegation process to replace their existing their Council Member(s) with new representatives at any time, so long as the ceremony does not overlap with the annual, 7 day election period. By empowering Miner Groups with “liquid” election authority that enables them to remove and replace their Council Members at any time, miners may be able to keep representatives’ accountable to their preferences in important decisions.

The following section first provides context by describing the attributes of the system involved, the actors, and the governance system which structure election ceremonies and then describes the election ceremony process, its outcomes, and evaluative criteria that could be used by to determine which outcomes the community would deem satisfactory.

Liquid Delegation Rules: Overview
Liquid Delegation Rules: Nominations
Liquid Delegation Rules: Proposals

Liquid Delegation: Ceremony and Outcomes

  • Nominations: Candidates submit their nomination applications to the proper channel on the Telcoin forum.
  • Liquid Delegation Proposal: A miner with 2% voting power within their Miner Group or a TAO member submits two candidates to the electorate Miner Group’s snapshot: a replacement candidate and the existing Council Member.
  • Miner Voting: Miners within the relevant Miner Group vote for candidates over a 7 day period from the time the liquid delegation proposal was submitted.
  • Council Member Selection: After 7 days, either the existing Council Member maintains their position and governance NFT or the newly selected Council Member is automatically transferred the position’s governance NFT.
    • Outcome
      • Quorum is met: After 7 days, the candidate the most votes will be transferred a governance NFT conferring them governance authority and an ongoing stream of TEL issuance to their wallet.
      • Quorum is not met: In the event a Miner Group fails to reach a quorum, the existing Council Member will maintain their ownership of a governance and NFT and associated rights.
  • Note: Review the Compliance Council Improvement Process[CCIP] for information related to the Council Member authorization process after elections.
  • Evaluative Criteria

    Consistency with Shared Values: Is the proposed delegation consistent with the the Mission, Vision, Values defined in Article 4.1 (a-c) of the Telcoin Association Constitution?
    Compliance with collective-choice rules: Did the liquid delegation process follow the collective-choice rules regulating the process and outcomes?
    Participation: To what extent are Miner Groups participating in council member selection and co-production processes? To what extent are Council Members participating in deliberation and co-production processes with other Miners?
    Legitimacy: Do individual miners within a Miner Group view a given liquid delegation process undertaken by their Miner Group as legitimate?
    Accountability: Are the Council Members actively made accountable to Miner Groups concerning the policies and rules they choose?