Telcoin Platform
Telcoin Platform
TEL: Attributes
The characteristics of the cryptoassets which are extracted from the Telcoin Platform by miners that can then be used to consume platform services, as an input for earning power and reward in miner production, harvesting, as social power in governance processes, exchanged for other goods and services, transferred on blockchain networks or held as private property for later use.
TEL: Mobility
TEL is highly mobile and flows automatically, at pre-determined levels, throughout the Telcoin Platform for miners to harvest according to rules that are set by Miner Councils and programmed into the system to self-execute. Upon obtaining ownership, TEL can be...
TEL: Number of Units
100B is the total, maximum supply of TEL which can ever be produced by the Platform. 90B TEL is the circulating supply in the marketplace which is held as private property by individuals. As of TGIP1, the TEL Treasury, the primary source of TEL, stores an inve...
TEL: Growth Rate
1B TEL flows from the TEL Treasury in year 1 throughout the Telcoin Platform at a TEL issuance rate of 10% of the inventory per year for miners to harvest. Telcoin Network destroys a portion of all TEL gas fees paid each block and regenerates them to the TEL T...
TEL: Utility and Market Value
Consumers use TEL as a medium of exchange to access the services produced by the Telcoin Platform. Miners stake TEL as a production and harvesting input, produce Telcoin Platform services, earn TEL fees from consumers and harvest from flows of TEL issuance gen...
TEL: Interactions Among Products
The relationship between TEL and the other products on the Telcoin Platform.
TEL: Distinctive Characteristics
TEL is the unique symbol used to identify the Telcoin token, an ERC-20 created on the Ethereum Network with 2 decimal points and a maximum, total supply of 100B units.
TEL: Distribution Levels
The distribution of TEL across the Telcoin Platform over time. The TEL Treasury distributes 10% of its inventory each year and Telcoin Network regenerates a portion of all TEL gas fees paid each block. In year 1, 1B TEL in total flows throughout the Platform, ...