Telcoin Platform

TEL: Number of Units

100B is the total, maximum supply of TEL which can ever be produced by the Platform. 90B TEL is the circulating supply in the marketplace which is held as private property by individuals. As of TGIP1, the TEL Treasury, the primary source of TEL, stores an inventory of 10B units.

Number of TEL Units

  • TEL Total Supply: 100,000,000,000 TEL is the total and maximum supply of TEL which can ever be produced by the Telcoin Platform.
  • Circulating Supply: 90,000,000,000 TEL is the supply of TEL in circulation which are held by as private property by TEL users.
  • TEL Treasury Inventory: 10,000,000,000 TEL is the current supply of extractable TEL contained in the TEL Treasury, prior to TGIP1, from which the system generates flows that can be harvested by miners.