Telcoin Platform

Liquidity Pools: Availability Across Space and Time

TELx markets are actively produced on Balancer V2 and other DeFi protocols on Polygon PoS, have historically taken place on Ethereum, and in the future will be primarily located on Telcoin Network. They are available for trading by anyone with an internet connection.


Definition: Availability of liquidity pools across space and time

  • Spatial: TELx liquidity pools are available to all users of the blockchain network in which they are located (e.g. Polygon, Telcoin Network, Ethereum).
  • Temporal: The liquidity in a given pool is available to be traded each block produced by the blockchain and can be increased or decreased by liquidity miners each block.

    TELx: Liquidity Pools across Space and Time

    The past, present, and future number of markets on TELx:

  • 2020-2021: 2 markets on Balancer V1 and Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
  • 2021- Pre-TGIP1: 32 markets across three DeFi protocols, Quickswap, DFX, Balancer V2 (Polygon PoS)
  • Post-TGIP1: 6 markets on balancer protocol on Polygon. The TELx Council, may use the TELxIP process to allocate TEL issuance in order to assign, add any number of new markets to TELx.
  • As a result of TGIP-1, TEL issuance will distribute from the TEL Treasury to TELx inventories and onwards from there to a specific set of staking contracts programmed to incentivize liquidity miners to produce the below markets.

    MarketProtocolIssuance AllocationTime SlotsBasis for AllocationMechanism
    TEL/USDC 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
    TEL/BAL 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
    TEL/DFX/USDC 40:40:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityDFX Staking Contract
    TEL/WETH 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
    TEL/WMATIC 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract
    TEL/WBTC 80:20Balancer V2 (Polygon)2,777,777.78Per calendar monthPro-rata share of staked liquidityTELx Staking Contract