Interactions and Outcomes

Council Members and the TAO: TEL Harvesting Activities and Benefits

Council Member and TAO TEL harvesting levels, interactions and outcomes.

Council Members and TAO TEL Harvesting Activities: Introduction

The following section first describes the factors that encompass all aspects of the material, social, and institutional environment which set the context for the Council Members and the Telcoin Association Operations UAB (TAO) to harvest TEL from the Telcoin Platform. We then provide an overview of the TEL harvesting levels and interactions by Councils Members and the TAO, and propose evaluative criteria that could be used by to determine which outcomes the community would deem satisfactory.

Contextual Factors

  • Telcoin Platform and TEL: Characteristics of the Telcoin Platform system and the TEL benefits it generates.
  • Attributes of the Actors: The attributes of the community actors.
  • Governance System: The organizations and rules that structure and control TEL harvesting activities.
  • TEL Harvesting Interactions and Outcomes

  • Table Overview: The involved actors, the benefits they enjoy, the activities they undertake, using what technologies, the basis formula determining how benefits are calculated, and the infrastructure involved in the situation.
  • Evaluative Criteria: Criteria that may be used by miners or external observers to determine which aspects of the observed outcomes are deemed satisfactory and which aspects are in need of improvement.
  • Governance System: Relationship to Harvesting Activities

    Telcoin Platform governance is constituted legally as the Telcoin Association. The regime is a polycentric, democratic system of self-governance in which the four constituent Miner Groups elect officials to a diverse set of global, local and cross-jurisdictional Miner Councils who each possess considerable autonomy to make and enforce rules within their own circumscribed domain of authority.

    Miner Councils set, enforce, and refine the day to day operational rules for interacting with their jurisdictions of the Telcoin Platform, including setting TEL harvesting rules. The TAO, the Telcoin Association’s wholly-owned production and administration unit, serves to produce and administer collective goods at the direction and financing of the Association.

    Miner Councils, Authority, and Decision-making Rules

    A diverse set of policy-making organizations, composed of elected officials from each Miner Group, who set and enforce the operational rules for interacting with the Telcoin Platform.

    Miner Councils: Authority over Harvesting Rules
    Miner Councils: Representation, Authority, and Decision-making Rules

    TEL Harvesting Rules

    The rules, set by Miner Councils that define who may harvest, how much TEL from the Telcoin Platform, based on what formula, by what means, using what technologies and the infrastructure involved in the infrastructure involved in the allocation, storage, distribution, extraction of TEL by miners.

    TEL Harvesting Rules: TEL Treasury, Telcoin Network, TELx, TAN, Council Members and TAO

    TEL Treasury Distribution Rules: The TEL Treasury distributes issuance at a rate of 10% of the TEL in the Treasury per year, with 2B TEL distributed in Y1, based on rules that are set by the Platform and Treasury Councils.
    Council Member Harvesting Rules: Council Members harvest evenly from an annual allocation of 60M TEL each block they are in possession of a Council NFT, according to rules that are set by the Platform and Treasury Councils.
    TAO Harvesting Rules: An initial TEL airdrop of 40M TEL and an on-going stream of 100M TEL flows to the TAO in year one to finance its purposes. TAO harvesting rules are set by the Platform and Treasury Council using the TELIP process.

    Council Members and TAO TEL Harvesting Interactions

    ActorActivitiesEligible ParticipantsY1 TEL AllocationBasis formula for income
    TAO IssuanceProduction, Administration, Ecosystem Development
    Maintains, constructs the Telcoin Platform, facilitates the governance system, and drives ecosystem development
    5 elected members from Telcoin Holdings in the first term then selected by each Miner Group.Total: 50,000,000
    Flow: Streamed each block
    Financing the TAO’s purposes.
    Council MembersPolicy-making and Management
    Participate in decisions regulating the Telcoin Platform.
    When they are elected, Council Members are transferred a Council NFT which receives a stream of TEL each block.Total: 30,000,000
    Flow: Streamed evenly each block
    Streamed TEL issuance each block in which they own a Governance NFT.
    TAO Legal & OrgLegal, Org, Code Audit
    Setting up the TAO, Association, and code audit.
    Code audit firm and lawyers.Total: 20,000,000
    Flow: One time airdrop
    Legal and operational set-up costs.

    Evaluative Criteria

    Proportional Equivalence
    Economic Efficiency